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Two fingered sloth with baby in Costa Rica - Zweifinger Faultier mit Baby in Costa Rica _e

welcome to aza sloth programs! 

Species Survival Plans ® are cooperatively managed programs between the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) and AZA-accredited facilities to manage animal populations in care. 


The Sloth Program manages two species of sloths; Choloepus didactylus & Choloepus hoffmani, both in care in the United States. 


Through experts in the field, sloth populations are managed and recommended to reproduce with sustainability in mind. Programs, like the AZA Sloth Program, seek to establish populations that are genetically diverse to create sustainability for animals in care.


AZA Institutions- Need help? The Sloth Program is committed to supporting your needs! Please reach out to us, we would love to help! Want to get involved? We always are looking for folks to help! Please email us below to find out about opportunities.  

What should program participants know about sloths?

The desire for exhibit sloths still outweighs the number of individuals available but not by much! The Sloth Program has been actively recommending pairs and even created a secondary population to fulfill this need. 
Why does it take so long? Sloth babies should ALWAYS stay with dam until natural separation occurs at approximately 1 year old, unless there is danger that outweighs this need to the dam/neonate.

From an AZA institution & considering sloths? 

Please review the information below for holders/potential holders.

There are two species currently in AZA. Choloepus didactylus (a signature SSP) and Choloepus hoffmanni (provisional SSP).

The Sloth Program currently focuses on placing exhibit animals. Ambassadors are not currently available due to the need for exhibit and reproductive pairs as well as the varying success with ambassador sloths in general. Both Choloepus species require high humidity, varied temperatures and a minimum of 350 sq feet per animal.  

Have more questions? Please reach out to 


Sloth Breeding and Transfer

Choloepus didactylus
Choloepus hoffmani


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For immediate assistance for a sloth in need outside of endemic countries, click contact us through this website.

For sloths in need in endemic countries, please contact local facilities. 


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